Friday, April 10, 2009

Grindhouse Spotlight:36 Chamber Of Shao-lin

This is the movie that open the flood gates on Asian cinema 36 Chamber of Shao-lin This is an inside look in how to be a Shao-lin Monk Lui Lang Chaing craft a story around it his martial Brother Gordon Liu stars as a well to do school kid how gets wraped up in a plot to overthrow a ruthless Manchu lord played by the marvelous Lo Lieh the shit hits the Chinese fan and the Manchu's are on his ass!Gordon turns to the Shao-lin Temple who trains him into a Shao-lin Superman to avenge his fallen family and to see that the Manchu Lord see justice.This movie coolest thing is the Training that Gordon goes thru are intense Check out the chamber for the head and the arms! the Wu-Tang clan sample the hell out of this movie see if you can pick out the sample during the movie.this is a great start for those who like the Chop-socky!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Who will Fight Brock Lesnar

The question is will Dana White give him a strong warrior to shut critics up like myself who think that he got that Tittle shot too fast? Now his next fight is a Rematch with Frank Mir but nothing was said after the Mir & Mogerra Match. Fan boys like me want the Dream match of Lesnar V.S. Elmenliko, boy!! that would be epic or hell put him up against Bob Sapp,Chuck Kongo,or even put him up against sorry ass Kimbo, but put him up against some monsters of the cage Dana!!